Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Grieving the loss of your pet

The loss of a pet, a furbaby, is an unfortunate, and inevitable, experience. If you have lost a pet, my deepest sympathies and big hugs from me.

Here are some resources I have found helpful in coping with my recent loss:
Sid's Garden of Memories
Chance's Spot
Pet Loss
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Lightning Strike Pet Loss Support
Rainbow Bridge
Pet Grief Counseling Hotlines
Superdog Grief Counseling Resources
Pet Loss Books
Our Departed Pets

also, on the brighter side, when you need something cheerful:
Cute Overload
things that make you go ahhhh
world's cutest animals
Puppy Break

For those who know someone who has lost a pet:
If you have a friend or family member who has just lost a pet, please be there for them. Avoiding someone because their grief makes you uncomfortable, or you don't know what to do, is extremely selfish and inconsiderate. (Grief is something we will all experience and endure sometime in our life. And, sure, grief affects us all differently, and different things cause grief to different people.) Be there for that person, whether they need a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, someone to talk to, or maybe just know that someone is keeping watch over them at a distance. Let them know you are there, and, please, follow up with them periodically. (Grieving people can easily forget that you are available to them.) If you own a pet, maybe make them available to the grieving person. For me, interacting with other animals helps me endure the sadness I feel.

Click here for a relevant post (a woman coping with the death of her brother).

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